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Monday, April 25, 2011

Should I Just Be His FriendIf He Isn't Ready for aRelationship? Learn WhatYou Can DoBy Amy Tiffin

Are you stuck in a situation
where your man has made it
absolutely clear that he isn't
ready for a relationship and
would only like you as a
Are you struggling to make a
decision and don't really
know what to do? Well, it's
never an easy decision when
you want a relationship and
he doesn't. It's never easy
to deal with the pain of
knowing that maybe things
might not go as you planned.
But, the big question still
remains - Should you still be
friends with him? Here are
some useful tips for you...
Can you really accept him
as a friend?
You should first ask
yourself whether you can
even stick around him as a
friend or not. Being friends is
completely different than
being in a relationship. It's
more casual and things
might not be as intense as
you expected them to be.
At the same time you really
need to figure out your
reasons behind sticking
around as just a friend. If
you feel that some day he
might change his mind about
you and will magically start
to see you as a potential
lover then you are only
setting yourself up for
massive pain.
Don't be his friend in case
you want to convince him to
accept you as a lover, it
might not happen ever and
you will only be stuck in the
cycle of constant pain and
Vital points -
Only take the friendship
route if you are ready to
accept that you might not
ever be in a relationship with
If you still have feelings
towards him which you can't
seem to get rid of then it's
better to end things than to
be just friends.
Temporary pain Vs long
term pain...
The decision is completely in
your hands. You have to
decide whether you want to
remain in pain forever or do
you want to get rid of it
once and for all.
Most women are confused in
this department, they tend
to take shortcuts and end
up doing all the things they
shouldn't do expecting
things to get better, but this
always backfires and things
end up getting worse.
Therefore another important
thing you need to keep in
mind is to first figure out
exactly what type of
feelings you are
experiencing and make a
decision based on those
For example, take out a
sheet of paper and answer
the following questions as a
yes or a no...
Q1 - Do I still have intense
feelings for him?
Q2 - Will being friends with
him cause me pain or
pleasure in the long run?
Q3 - Will I be able to accept
the fact that he might
date other people while I
am still a friend?
Q4 - Will being his friend
benefit me or harm me?
And really think about all
your answers. In case, you
can clearly sense that being
his friend will only cause you
more pain than pleasure in
the long run then it's highly
recommended that you end
things right away.
Vital points -
Don't do anything under the
influence of emotions. If you
still have feelings for him
then you might be driven
towards taking anything
which comes your way. Don't
be his friend just because
you still want him around,
this will only make
everything more painful.
You can't convince him to
get into a relationship with
you therefore try to
convince yourself that it
might not happen at all.
After all, the only person
you can control is yourself.
If you end things right now
then you will only suffer
temporary pain but if you
become his friend expecting
that some day you will get
what you want then you
have only set yourself up
for permanent pain.

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