Are you really in love? Or do
you think that you are in
There is a big difference
between Love and
infatuation. Some people
can't tell the difference,
thinking they are in love but
really it is a deep infatuation.
Infatuation is instant desire -
one set of glands calling to
Love is friendship that has
caught fire. It takes root and
grows, one day at a time.
Infatuation is marked by a
feeling of insecurity. You are
excited and eager, but not
genuinely happy.
There are nagging doubts,
unanswered questions, little
bits and pieces about your
beloved that you would just
as soon not examine too
closely. It might spoil the
Love is the quiet
understanding and mature
acceptance of imperfection.
It is real. It gives you
strength and grows beyond
you - to bolster your
beloved. You are warmed by
their presence, even when
they are away.
Miles do not separate you.
You have so many
wonderful little films in your
head that you keep
But near or far, you know
they are yours, and you can
Infatuation says, "We must
get married right away. I
can't risk losing them."
Love says, "Be patient. Don't
panic. Plan your future with
Infatuation has an element
of sexual excitement.
Whenever you are together,
you hope it will end in
Love is not based on sex. It
is the maturation of
friendship, which makes sex
so much sweeter. You must
be friends before you can
be lovers.
Infatuation lacks confidence.
When they're away, you
wonder if they're cheating.
Sometimes, you check.
Love means trust. You are
calm, secure and
unthreatened. They feel
your trust, and it makes
them even more
Infatuation might lead you to
do things you will regret, but
love never steers you in the
wrong direction.
Love is an upper. It makes
you feel whole. It completes
the circle. It fills the empty
space in your heart.
Love is elevating. It lifts you
up. It makes you look up. It
makes you think up.
It makes you a better
person than you were
before. If you have love in
your life, it can make up for
a great many things you
don't have. If there is no
love in your life, whatever
else there is has a lot less
meaning. The secret of our
being is not only to live but
to have something to live
Infatuation is a feeling; real
love involves a commitment
also. Infatuation is just love
of emotion. Real love,
though, is love of devotion.
Only the emotions are
affected in infatuation, but in
real love both the emotions
and the will are involved.
Next, a person "fall into"
infatuation, but "grows into"
real love.
Guys, have you ever seen a
girl who was so beautiful
that you thought you'd
This is infatuation! It is based
totally on physical
attraction. often you don't
know much in-depth about
the person you so-called
love. Thus, infatuation is
mostly biological. Also
remember, never tell a girl
you love her, unless you are
willing to marry her.
Then, infatuation is basically
selfish where real love is
basically selfless.Infatuation
is more interested in
satisfying yourself and the
feeling than it is in the other
Real love is primarily
interested in the other
person. It seeks to give
instead of get.. Love
unselfishly seeks the
highest good for the other
Lastly, infatuation is
weakened by time and
separation where real love is
strengthened by time and
This does not mean that
there will be no pain in
separation. On the contrary,
there is great pain in
separation if
you are truly in love.
Now you know what is
infatuation, we will go on to
discuss about the details of
a true love. Love is patient.
The word translated
"patient" means to wait
patiently for the fulfilment
of expectations.
When you have difficulty
dating this girl and she does
not want to come out, if you
truly love her, you will not
complain and blame her, you
must look at the situation
from her point of view -
maybe she is having some
problems which prevented
her from coming out. You
must react to it with
patience and understanding.
Next, have you ever met
someone you liked so much
that you wanted to push the
relationship and make it
progress faster? Sure you
have! Love, however, is
willing to give a relationship
time to grow at a natural
It does not push but is willing
to wait for the relationship
to grow at a rate that is
satisfactory to both parties.
Love is Kind Love seeks to
encourage and build up
others. It respects the
feelings and emotions of
It finds its greatest
satisfaction in making others
You can do the following:
1. Give one another things
such as gifts and
encouragement cards.
2. Compliment one another.
Magnify the other party's
3. Listen to one another. Pay
close attention to what each
of you has to say and make
each other feel that what
each says is important.
4. Treat one another special
in public. Compliment and
encourage one another
sincerely in the presence of
5. Love is Not Jealous.
Jealousy usually indicates
an insecure and immature
heart. Love wants the best
for others, but jealousy is
possessive. Jealous is
reflected in the childish
statement, "If he is going to
talk to her, then he can just
about me!" Often, one
person wants to totally
possess the other and to
restrict her relationships
with others.
6. Love is not about
bragging. Love is not a
windbag and is not anxious
to impress. Often a guy will
brag to a girl, trying to
impress her so that she will
like him. A truly great
person, however, does not
need to exalt himself! Others
will exalt him.
7. Love is Not Arrogant. Love
is not conceited,
boastful,cocky, or stuck-up.
Love, instead, is humble and
has a servant attitude.
Sometimes, a guy may come
across to a girl with an "I
can take you or leave you"
attitude. His demeanour
implies, "You ought to be
thankful that somebody as
neat as me is dating you." Of
course, this is not love.
8. Love always covers. This
word cover means to pass
over in silence, to keep
9. Love is patient with the
faults of others. It doesn't
criticise and broadcast to
the world the faults of
Love is there even when it
knows the other is not
10. Love always Perseveres.
Love always stands its
ground and hold out. It will
outlast anything. It will even
love in the face of
unrequited love. Real love
will last though all sorts of
trials, tribulations and
11. Love is Not Provoked.
This means that love has a
long fuse. It does not
become irritated and angry.
It is not easily offended.
12. Love does not seek its
own. This is the heart of
love. Love is other-centred
rather than self- centred.
Love says, "I love you, I
want to give to you."
Selfishness says, "I love
you, I want you!"
13. Love does not act
unbecomingly. This means
that love does not behave
disgracefully, dishonourably
or indecently. It does not
embarrass others by its
action. It is characterised by
tact and sensitivity. This
also means that love should
have good manner. Be sure
to do little things like
opening doors for your girl,
or offering her your arm
when you walk together.
14. Lastly, Love is forgiving.
This is a MUST for a
successful love story. If a
guy is not willing to forgive
and forget when his
girlfriend is one hour late, he
is not exhibiting love. Love
doesn't hold grudges when it
has been
wronged. It doesn't remain
** Remember this: Love
forgets past failures and
sins. **
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