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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Massage to Show You Care By Paige Langford

What better way to show
your partner how much you
care than by learning the
techniques of massage, so
that you can enjoy a special
bonding while in the comfort
of your own home. By either
reading on the subject or
browsing online or by
consulting with a trained
therapist you can learn
enough to deliver a relaxing
For that is the purpose of a
massage. To relax. Even
when massaging your
partner you have to
remember that you are
helping him or her to relax
and ease the tension. Set
the mood by lighting scented
candles, have soft blankets
or mats on the ground, have
some oil or cream nearby.
You could also have some
soft music in the
background to truly created
a haven of rest and
relaxation. Another important
factor to remember is that
you are giving the massage
as a gift and should ensure
that you do all in your power
to relax your partner. Avoid
talking which may disrupt
the peaceful atmosphere,
learn the pressure points to
ease the knots and always
cater to what your partner
genuinely likes as opposed
to what you believe your
partner would like.
Most massages are non
sensual and deal with
troubleshooting trouble
areas in the body to help
with healing. However, some
massages like the Tantric
massage can be considered
erotic and sensual without
being overly arousing. It is
an ideal massage to be
shared between couples. It is
easy to research on this
type of massage and share
the learning experience with
your partner. Simpler still
would be to find a place that
offers this massage so that
the two of you can enjoy a
massage done by a
Learning to give a good head
massage will go a long way
towards sealing any
relationship as you gently
tend to your partners head,
neck and shoulders all the
common trouble areas. Just
knowing that you are able to
work wonders with your
hands will have your partner
rushing back home to you!
Massage has physical and
mental benefits that are
immense. Whether you go for
a professional therapist or
bring a therapist home or
learn the techniques
yourself, you will only be
gaining and giving yourself
something that is amazingly
So if you have not entered
the world of massage yet,
hurry up and do so, so that
you and your partner can
enjoy a different form of
intimacy a wonderfully
bonding experience.

Article Source: http://

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