By the time you read this,
you probably heard of the
inspiring life story of Susan
Boyle. A 47-year old,
unemployed, never been
married (and never been
kissed) woman from
Scotland who elicited lots of
praises and compliments not
just from the three judges,
but also from millions of
people across the universe,
thanks to Youtube.
Her inspiring story spread
rapidly like wildfire and
inspires others (especially
underdogs and dark horses
like her) to reach for your
dreams no matter what. The
Britain’s Got Talent
contestant (by far the most
popular these days),
delivered a strong
performance backed up with
an even appropriate and
inspirational song,“I
Dreamed a Dream” from Les
Miserables. I like watching
that show, in the sense that
Britain’s Got Talent is indeed
about talent. It’s about
talent through and through,
despite your looks, and your
age. And what I even like
most about the inspiring
story of Ms. Susan Boyle is
that it’s as if she’s the
epitome of dreaming and
believing in your dreams—
and not putting an age limit
to your dreams and goals.
What makes this inspiring
story so appealing to the
masses, is the fact that we
have a not-so-young
dreamer dreaming to be a
professional singer (wants
to be as successful as
Elaine Page at that!), when
generally, dreaming is
associated for the young
and their promising future.
But here, we have Susan
Boyle to change the face of
dreaming big and giving us
her inspiring story.
Truly, she’s not just a living
example, but also a living
inspiration as well! I know of
other singing competitions
that imposed age limits on
their contestants. It’s good
that Britain’s Got Talent
never limits their
contestants for a certain
age bracket only. Why this
allure about second
chances and underdogs and
dark horses? And why not—it
just goes to show that all of
us, at some moments in our
lives, can relate to being
underdogs, since we
experienced what it feels
like being an underdog
We want to inspired and
strengthened after failure,
rejection, and frustration. An
inspiring story like Susan
Boyle’s is just one strong
validation and we felt
justified that we can be like
her. She’s also a real person
(and not just any fictitious
character) and she’s like
one of us, living an ordinary
life but who wants to have a
better life.
So, how who can resist this
inspiring story? As we live
our day to day struggle in
our lives, we all need some
bits of inspiration to make
us smile, enlightened,
hopeful and optimistic for
our future. And we don’t
need pretty faces, toned
muscles, almost-perfect hair
that light up our TV screens
to make us inspired.
On the contrary, it’s those
flawed, ordinary-looking
individuals which we can
relate to that make us more
humane and we can say,“If
she can do it, I can too.” And
I love that smiling aura of
Ms. Boyle devoid of any
arrogance or self-pity
(unemployed, but still
looking) when asked what
she’s going to do onstage.
She said, “I’m gonna wow the
audience”. And boy, she did
more than just that—she
even received a standing
ovation not just from the
crowd, but also from the two
judges. Everybody’s got an
inspiring story---what’s
About The Author
The author of this article,
Amy Twain, is a Self
Improvement Coach who has
been successfully coaching
and guiding clients for many
years. Amy recently
published a new home study
course on how to boost your
Self Esteem. Click here to
get more info about her
Quick-Action Plan for A More
Confident You.
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